Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ministering through Teaching and Pancakes

Perhaps the biggest realization I came to this week is that I have freedom to minister to--to serve--other people in a variety of ways.  This is exciting!

When I arrived, I saw myself as piggybacking onto the ministry Pam and Steve have here at La Senda.  And in ways, I am.  I'm teaching in the school and have been spending time with the home kids.  However, I am making other connections, and when I move out, I'll obviously be living in a different neighborhood.  Thus, my experience in missions is going to be different from Pam and Steve's.  After all, La Senda is their calling, and they're continuing to be obedient to the Lord in the ways they are growing and with the new ideas they have.  But, while my calling may be doing things that complement or work with their ministry for a time, there is freedom to do more.  And this is exciting.

Ideas that have opened up or that have come to mind so far include consulting for a teacher here who also runs an English Academy (this is by request); discipling one or several of the teenage girls here at La Senda; teaching English classes for the teachers here; hosting a neighborhood dinner/Bible study night; spending time with the family I stayed with last weekend; maybe volunteering at Escuela Abierta on Saturdays; who knows?   Lots to think about and get excited for!

This week is a vacation week for us.  Currently, my plan is to stick around La Senda, though it's possible I could get antsy by the end of the week.  I also look forward to hosting small groups of the kids for breakfast or lunch these next few days.  Nothing fancy--probably eggs and pancakes or French toast or grilled cheese--but it will be a delight to spend time with them.  And they love coming up to a place where they're usually not allowed. :)

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