Tuesday, July 20, 2010


As God continues to keep this door open, I hope to sign a contract for my housing today around 4:00.  Praise God for answered prayers!

The house is five minutes up the highway, in a little neighborhood slightly removed from the road.  It is so cute!  Brand new, the house has to be no bigger than the first floor of the townhouse Mary and I shared, but it has a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and three small bedrooms.  The owner is giving me a fantastic deal--almost $50 off what he normally charges other renters. 

Besides the good price and the new digs, I'm excited about the neighborhood.  Less than two minutes away and at the opposite end of the neighborhood (that's how small it is!) lives one of the La Senda teachers.  She is excited about me living there and the opportunity we will have to share meals.  How cool!  She also shares that the community is very friendly, frequently sharing food and talking.  Right next to my house is a little piece of land supposed to be developed for birthday celebrations and whatnot.

What this means?  It's not the family living experience I had originally planned on, but it does give me a place to invite others to.  I'm also excited about the ministry opportunities availalbe through living in such an amiable neighborhood and having somewhere to do ministry from.  Also, I am going to ask someone if she's interested in being my roommate, so depending on where she is in life right now, I may not be alone afterall.

Thanks for your continued prayers!

Now, off to make breakfast for four of the home girls coming up for a visit this morning.


Anonymous said...

I am very excited for you. Wish we were there to help with your move! I will be praying that this house will be a place where others can be told about Jesus and Christians can grow in their faith. Love you.

Lizbeth said...

I'm so thrilled for you! i know your gift of hospitality will be well exercised with this blessing of a place of your own.