Friday, July 30, 2010

Cowboy Day 2010

I was shot today.  By a fourth grader.  During English class. With a toy gun.  It hurt!  I think he had stuffed a rock or something inside the barrel, not expecting it to really fly out--the "Oh, crap!" look on his face told me that it was not intentional.  But it certainly got his gun taken away from him, returned later with stern instructions not to let me see him "shooting" anyone else today.  (It was hard to be stern, though, when I was laughing about the whole incident.  Imagine the headlines that would have erupted back in the U.S.!)  When I saw him aiming at another student this afternoon, he froze up and quickly stashed his weapon back in his jeans pocket. 

Besides the great props the students brought and wore today (horses, hats, cowboy boots, plaid), country music blared from the speakers and students milled about the various activities--beauty salon, bingo, concessions, talent show.  The crowd pleaser of the talent show was Phillip singing Happy Birthday in Spanish, accompanied by his armpit. 

On a teaching note, I had a successful conference with one of the other teachers about some students we have in common.  All in Spanish.  I think I understood 90% of what he said!  I still got about a 25% on my own verb conjugation and grammar, but at least information was communicated. 

This weekend, I look forward to preparing for fourth quarter and planning for my big move.  A family has agreed to help me move things like a bed, fridge, and stove (Pam and Steve are lending me these things) on Tuesday.  Praise God!

Johana, my soon-to-be neighbor.  She has been so helpful to me!  I'm thankful to live close to someone I know a bit.  She teaches first grade.

Little Andrew.  Today his cowboy boots came in handy.

Waiting for the Talent Show to get under way!

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