Saturday, July 25, 2009

Praise God for Silent Ball

After a week and a half of not-so-great second grade math classes, we had a great day this past Wednesday. We completed our meeting strips in a timely fashion (without any broken coin jars to clean up); we reviewed our newest subtraction facts (without me having to write any names on the board); we completed the timed test (without anyone starting ahead of time or continuing to work after time was called); we completed side A of the math worksheet together (together is the key word--that doesn't often happen since so many of them like to rush ahead); and students finished side B independently, giving me an opportunity to help individual students. When I checked my watch, we still had 10 minutes left.

A little conscious of my classroom management with the normal second grade teacher there, I decided we could review the verse since that had gone so well before. So a recitation of Psalm 91 ensued at the top of the little second graders' lungs: "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty..." Once again the decibel level shot through the roof, and the temptation to cover my ears was overpowering. After verse ten or so the yelling faded, and it was evident that was all they knew for today.

Having six minutes left in the class now, I pulled out my favorite squishy pink sea anemone (yes, the very one I love to put on bobble-head Shakespeare's head to give him a 'fro) and played Mom's trusty game: silent ball. They all stood next to their desks without saying a word, waiting patiently (well, some not so patiently) for the ball to be thrown their way. The decibel level was at ground level, and the quiet and tranquility was a great way to end a decent class period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea for silent ball! It works every time - second graders or juniors in high school! Good move.