Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Daily Life Update

Guatemala is evidently plagued by Swine Flu right now, so the government has mandated that all schools shut down for this week. Last week, all public schools were required to shut down for three weeks; this week, even private schools (like La Senda) are required to shut down or be fined. So, we have a mini vacation. Honestly, I am glad. This will be the first full week off of teaching for me since spring break in the beginning of April. Also, I got sick a couple nights ago and teaching with a stomachache wasn't very fun to do yesterday. It's like the kids knew: let's be more rambunctious because she doesn't have the energy to do much about it! Good news, though--I am feeling better today.

Rita, Rachel, and I may go into Antigua tonight. Our first time out by ourselves! The plan is to take the bus with the teachers who live there so we know our way and then stay in a hostel tonight. Should be fun!

Ate an original Guatemalan meal last night--pepian. It's similar to stew, with a brown, spicy broth served with chicken on the bone in the bowl and vegetables (potatoes, rice) served on a banana leaf. The rice and potatoes go into the bowl to eat everything together. It was tasty, but I'm not used to working for my meat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the inundation of flu, but looks like God is providing you with a much needed break. We continue to pray for you and all the others at La Senda.

Oh, the place you'll go...
Hope your camera is working. Have a wonderful time in Anigua! (I'd say be careful, but then you'd know it was me!)
Love you,