Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When Typos Turn Gangsta

Imagine how the chapter titled "The Hot-Potato Man and Other Mothers" would play out.

I see the main character as a big round man who is known for sweating, aka The Hot-Potato Man.  In his gang along Market Street, we'd have Corn Dog Bob, the skinny and pimply street vendor; Here Boy, the short old man who grunts for his answers but comes at the shortest whistle blown just so; and, of course, Salsachup, the slick youth whose ways are as greasy as his hair.  Average, or sub-average, people during the day, terrors to the neighborhood by night with their revolvers and penchants for attempting to rob any living and moving creature.

What a twist to the The Whipping Boy's chapter titled "The Hot-Potato Man and Other Matters."

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