Saturday, March 05, 2011

Post #200: Beating Me to the Punch

One of the highlights of the day is being in charge of the hand-washing line in the preschool room prior to their morning snack.  The kids are super cute (as long as I don't have to teach them).  I've decided this is a good time to help them practice their English.

We're working on answering the question, "How are you?" instead of simply repeating it.

This past week we began working on manners.  I prompt students to say, "Soap, please," when it is their turn.

On Friday, one kid finally had it figured out.  Before I even had a chance to ask him how he was, he put his little hands out together in front of him, looked up at me, and quickly said, "Fine, thank you. Soap, please."

He knows how to get things done.

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