Monday, December 13, 2010

Stateside Travels

My mom let me borrow her car for two weeks.  It's the nicest set of wheels I've driven, I think.  And I sure put some mileage on them.

Had a great time returning to First Alliance a couple of Sundays ago. I've missed worshipping with my home church!  I also got to meet with Kerry, the mission pastor, and Beth and Pat and Art, the people who take care of all the money stuff for me.

Additionally, I was able to meet with a number of friends.  We had dinners together, met for coffee, and just hung out.  I visited Dunbar to say hello to my former colleagues; I also visited the classroom of one of my elementary teacher friends to see how she makes magic in a first grade classroom.  I put on my dancing shoes again, too--I still love dancing.  Got my teeth checked, eye glasses adjusted, and shots up-to-date as well.

In North Carolina, I got to relax a bit from all of this catching up.  I spent some time with my brother, who is off work right now trying to recover from a bad spell with MS, and with one of my college roommates. 

I also returned to FairCreek for a visit this past Sunday.  Though I didn't get to see everyone I hoped to see, I enjoyed catching up with a few friends whom I have known since childhood. 

This week I get the privilege of meeting with a few more friends here in OH, and then I'll get to go back to First Alliance in KY for Sunday services.  This time the 'rents are coming with me.

Thanks for making time for me, friends!  It is such a blessing and encouragement to see you all and to remain a part of your lives.

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