Monday, November 01, 2010

A Day to Rest

Praise God.  I'm tired.

In Guatemala, today is a holiday--Dia de Los Santos (All Saints Day, or Day of the Dead).  Zucy dropped off fiambre, the traditional dish, for me to eat.  Yummy!  I'll let you know how it is.

1 comment:

15 Minuets said...

Fiambre is not my favorite traditional dish. It has sliced carrots, green beans, lima beans, onions, cabbage, olives, and meat of all kinds: sausages, hot dogs, chicken, and beef. It's all mixed together with a little vinegar and garnished with radish, hard boiled egg, and cheese. I've heard some have seafood as well.

I think I prefer the ingredients separate rather than all together.

But, a big thanks to Zucy and Marcopolo for letting me try some!