Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Traveling Mercies

Earlier this week I finished Anne Lamott's book Traveling Mercies. She writes about her faith journey, which I found to be refreshing. She writes honestly about the normal stuff of everyday life--relationships, stories about her son, living situations, etc. Perhaps for this reason I found myself relating to what she was saying. Perhaps what struck me most was her evidently strong belief that God loves her no matter what. She never wavered from this truth, regardless of how stupid or silly or ignorant or far from grace she felt like she had been. This is inspiring to me--while I know in my head that God loves me and always will, sometimes I still fall into the trap of not feeling good enough or wondering if maybe he'll drop me out of his will today because of something stupid I've thought or done.

Do I recommend this book to you? Most definitely, yes. She has such a strong sense of humor that you can't help but laugh out loud. The profanity still catches me off guard, but I chalk this up to the honesty with which she writes--she doesn't seem to disguise who she is, and maybe this is what makes her writing and her stories most appealing: she doesn't seem to be trying to impress anyone. Instead, she's just writing about her experience with Jesus and faith without passing judgement on herself or on others. This is exceptionally refreshing in the Christian community.

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