Thursday, July 31, 2008


For the last two hours a small group of young men has been debating the benefits and drawbacks to Libertarian and Socialist governments. It has been quite entertaining. Which provides better health care? Which would be better for the United States? Can we look at these situations empirically or not? What about the quality of life? Does it all come down to what you value? Does it take away choice? I'm not sure I completely follow the conversation (e-mailing, reading, and listening to my i-pod has provided some bit of distraction), but it's fun to see the freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas so willingly taking advantage of.

As far as the vice of eavesdropping--I must confess I am guilty. Yet, my vice is not unknown to the room, and my fellow study stranger and I simply exchange glances of humor as the tide of conversation flows one way and then another in rapid succession.

So, what do you think? Libertarian, Socialist, or Democratic?

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