Monday, November 14, 2005

Whew! What a weekend!

Although I miss having Saturdays to sleep in, I must say that staying busy always causes me to accomplish more. Friday night was filled with hesitant steps on the ice rink (I haven't been skating in at least three years), Saturday I woke up at the happy hour of 6 to take a student to Hazard, KY (a two+ hour drive each way; from all appearances, Hazard's not as crazy as everyone thinks), took a brisk, one hour walk, went to a friend's house for an international potluck, and then graded papers for nearly three hours at Coffee Times. Upon arriving home, I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and fell into bed around 1:30. Sunday was church--I ran late, as usual, to first service--and then two girls from Asbury came over for lunch. We relaxed a bit, watched Raising Helen, and then it was back to the books for me until 11:00 or so. Good news: I finished grading a class of memoirs and made it half way through my creative writing stack, planned my Of Mice and Men unit, and came up with a contract for reading group.

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