Sunday, August 28, 2011

Check It Off

Friday we had a half day since it was the last Friday of the month. This means that the kids have a patriotic act and that teachers usually have a professional development time after the kiddos go home.

I had the opportunity to present the professional development.  I am thankful that I could do so because it was one of those things that I had been meaning to do but had not yet gotten around to it...until this week.  The topic was using videos in the classroom to support learning, particularly with reading comprehension.  I got to share a couple of my favorite strategies, including the KWL chart and Somebody Wanted But So (I think I may have learned both from Kylene Beers). 

The kicker?  I did it all in Spanish!  Praise God!  Anita helped me fix up my handout so the phrasing actually made sense.  It was exciting to be able to communicate ideas without needing a translator.  And, it was exciting to check it off my list of Things to Do Before the Next Stage of My Life Ensues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Elizabeth! What a great feeling to accomplish something you wanted to get done. And all in Spanish!! Way to go. I am sure they found it useful.