Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Support Update

I just met with Kerry, the missions pastor at First Alliance, this afternoon, and found out that the Lord has provided $770 thus far!  Thank you so much for your faithfulness!  Many people have also committed to praying for me and encouraging me, and I am extremely grateful for your commitment.  I am so blessed to have friends and family who love and support me.

I am still hoping to leave in the middle of June, but I have yet to purchase tickets.  My roommate and I are officially out of our rented place on Monday, June 14.  I hope to be on my way by the middle/end of that week.  Thanks for your prayers regarding timing!

This weekend I look forward to another stick-shift driving lesson with my friend.  Hopefully I will soon catch the gist of transferring from the clutch to the gas in a smooth motion so I don't stall out as frequently!  Pam has highly recommended that I purchase my own vehicle for my time in Guatemala, and since most of them are stick-shift, I am receiving lessons to that end.  Steve told me there were some relatively cheap new cars--one for $5,000--that I plan to look into purchasing for my time there.

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