Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Needed a Drink, I Thought

As I drove by the Big Blue Martini (or whatever that ritzy corner bar with the glass windows is called), I truly felt like I could sympathize with those who go there or places like it night after night. I mean, I just had a really long day at work where I fought this day-long internal battle: me versus my lack of motivation and desire to complete the mile-long list of tasks to get caught up (thanks, snow days...er, my laziness over snow days!). On top of that, I got my dance lesson times confused (more on dance later), shooting down the only thing I had looked forward to all day long. Which meant, I decided, as tears streamed down my face at my sad lot, only one thing: it was time to get a drink.

With my Grasshopper Mocha in hand, replete with a thick layer of whipped cream on top, I settled into the brown leather couch. Three men sat in the opposite corner contemplating a chess board, one totally engrossed and two counting down till show time; another sat sighing and looking distraught over the first few chapters of Khaled Husseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns; two women conferred about the web page in front of them. Open mic night was in full gear in the room behind me, and I had three inches of papers to attempt to wade through. The room shifted, and nearly all estrogen left; more testosterone filtered in. I felt momentarily nervous until I consoled myself with the fact that nobody was paying attention. The room shifted again, and as lyrics rang out about the religious nutcases responsible for all hatred and Jesus sending people to Hell, two girls sparked a conversation with the guy next to me and proceeded to talk about the Holy Spirit showing up and reviving their church. Finally, the room shifted again and canned music resumed, the coffee shop crowd bursting out into a momentary sing along to a Sarah McLaughlin-sounding song.

And, believe it or not, I was feeling better. Nearly all of that 3" stack of papers was graded, the mocha was long gone, and I was no longer feeling like I hated the world for silly reasons. I'm thankful for being refreshed and refocused by life.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Loved this post Elizabeth. It's amazing how God sees us and offers little pockets of grace when we need them in the most interesting ways.