Wednesday, September 29, 2010

English Fair

If Jefy's reaction of exuberance is any indication of how the English Fair went, then I think it was a success.  I was working with the 4th graders while the 3rd graders--Jefy's class--attended the fair.  Ten minutes before it was time to switch, Jefy careened into my room at full speed, and his pure delight is etched into my mind forever: smile from ear to ear, with a few missing teeth; nose scrunched up, as he only does when he's extremely happy or up to no good; hair gelled and spiked from the Beauty Shop booth; and five bags of candy and popcorn clutched in his hands.  I don't think he knew what to do with himself in his ecstasy--he put his bags first on one desk and then another, and then raced back out without hardly saying a word.

The women from Bee Creek Unite Methodist Church in Texas surely outdid themselves.  They brought all of the materials they needed for their booths and went to town--and the kids enjoyed it.  Some kids wrote in their reflection that they learned how to pronounce words better; others wrote that they learned how much things cost. Nearly all said they are excited about learning more English.  One boy told me he's saving his deposit slip that he received from the bank.

Here's a quick glimpse into the day:
Students picked up their passports.  It had their picture and name in it, the Guatemalan flag on the front, and a page for each booth, where they collected a stamp if they visited.

The older students then received money from the bank so they could purchase their goods.

Students could visit the Beauty Shop, Face Painting, a Department Store, the Doctor's Office, the Movie Theater, the Post Office, Donna's Diner, and the Sporting Good's Store.

 Face Painting

 Beauty Salon--Gel in the hair was a big hit with the boys

 Department Store--picking out new jeans

 Writing letters to friends at the Post Office

 Donna's Diner--cookies, anyone?

 Enthralled by Pixar's Short Films

Buying sports equipment at the Sporting Goods store

 Yes, the Doctor's In.  And you can't ask for better meds--tootsie rolls and other sweet things

Samy and Gerson are rockin' the punk band look 

Bee Creek UM Church ladies.  They made it happen!

1 comment:

Janie said...

Thanks for letting us be a part of the La Senda students' learning. It was so awesome to get to know you and the kids! You are doing great work with them!!