Thursday, August 19, 2010

Grammar Woes

Friday, August 13, 2010

Today was a busy day. I had to fill in for one of the English teachers who was unable to make it to school because of car troubles, which meant I had ten minutes of break throughout the entire school day. Thankfully, the day went well. It was fun to fill in with different classes—I ended up spending time with the first and second graders. I also ended up teaching two classes at the same time, which of course couldn’t have happened without the help of the teachers who were on plan assisting me.

By the time I got to my junior high class at the end of the day, I was relieved to be with a group that could actually sit still and hold a good conversation in English. After reading an article about immigration and discussing it, I worked with them on grammar. Which brought us to irregular plural nouns—man to men, woman to women, wife to wives. And in Samy’s head, moose to mice. He swears he thought it said mouse, but regardless, it tipped the scale and tickled my funny bone so that I laughed for a good three minutes. The release of the day.

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