Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

I guess it's a little late in the season for baseball, but the game was the theme of the 5th graders' skit in our English Expo.  All of the students--from kindergarten through junior high--did a fantastic job presenting.  The Prepa class (kindergarten) won best song with their Fruit of the Spirit song Jo taught them, and 5th graders won best skit.

The teachers liked the Prepa performance so much that the kids performed it at graduation, too.

 A brief scene from the 5th graders' Take Me Out to the Ball Game Director Skit (sad version)

School ended last Thursday.  I also moved out of my house and back into La Senda on Sunday.  Thus, the past couple of weeks have been quite busy.  Besides the English Expo, though, here are a few other highlights:

Graduation.  Last Friday, La Senda graduated 12 sixth graders and 15 kindergarteners.

 6th Grade



Rosita's Presentation.  I've been teaching freshman English to Rosita this year, and she did a fantastic job presenting an overview of what she's learned to Pam and Steve and the home kids.

 Going over grammar

 Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth's love chart

Hangout Time with Dorcas and Mimi.  We went to Antigua together and tried out an Italian restaurant and had dessert at Cenicienta (Cinderella).

 Dinner with the girls

with happy ending desserts

Goodbyes.  Since I moved out of the house, I also made my rounds to say goodbye to the neighbors.  It has been a blessing to live there with them.

 Last pila has been a place of thinking and reflection

 Some of my neighbors

 Astrid sang a song for me

Jo Is Moving On.  I took Jo to the airport on Monday morning.  She leaves for Krgystan in 2 weeks.

 Me and Jo

 Hanging out with some of the teachers

Plane Ticket.  It's official.  I will be returning to the States in early November.

In the mean time?  I'll be hanging out with the La Senda kids and taking Spanish classes here--I'm hoping to be able to use Spanish wherever I end up next.