Sunday, June 26, 2011


Katie and I had the opportunity to go to Patzun with Aura, one of the nannies, today.  Today the city was celebrating the 40th day after Christ's resurrection with alfombras (rugs) made of sawdust and processions, very similar to the Easter week celebrations in Antigua.  Only here, everything was bigger.

 A rug decorated with all rose petals.

 A rug in process.

 The procession.  Devoted Catholics walked alongside the alfombras, single file on either side.  At appropriate times, they kneeled for prayer.  Finally, the procession came with the priest at back carrying a cross.  He alone walked on the rugs.
 Me with Mishell and Aura in the central park.

Mishell and Aura peeking out the kitchen window.

Aura's family treated us to Chuchitos, corn dough with sauce and meat inside (similar to a tomale), for breakfast and Pepian, perhaps Guatemala's most traditional dish, for lunch.  I enjoyed watching them cook over the wood-burning stove. (And, yes, we took a day off from the Daniel Diet to enjoy our host's delicious cooking.)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Life Passes so Quickly

A new purpose for the pila--rest stop.

Can you guess which egg represents me?

Rosita with friends during her Quincenera

Katie and Me--roomies for the summer!

I never tire of this view. :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Katie's Here!

Katie arrived last night.  She is a volunteer from Asbury University who will be interning with us this summer.  I'm excited to have a roommate. :)

Today we spent the morning getting the house cleaned and organized, making key copies for her, getting her a modem for internet, and briefing her on her job for the next week.  She will be teaching the kindergarten and preschool classes, as well as beginning work with small groups of students in the afternoon.

This afternoong we attended the birthday party of a friend.  She got a fair dose of Spanish today--I'm sure she'll pick up key words and phrases quickly.

Praying Power

Thank you so much for your prayers, especially this past week.  I noticed a huge change in my attitude and outlook that I believe came from God alone.  Why?  The change was overnight, after intentional prayer from my family and perhaps others who may not have known exactly why they were praying for me specifically this week.  Even though I was still tired at the end of this week, it was a physical weariness from the week's work without being compounded by a weariness that blurred and burdened my perception of life.

God continues to teach me to believe in his involvement in my life.