So I've been talking about going overseas for years. Particularly to Guatemala. Maybe it's finally about to happen--I just e-mailed the missionaries and the missionary-sending organization tonight with my applications and am getting ready to mail the hard copy tomorrow. I'm a little nervous--what if I waited too late? what if security really is an issue in Guatemala and I never come back? what if I'm stuck at home one summer more, feeling like I missed out on an opportunity? Yuck. That last one is the regret I'm trying to avoid.
I'm still convinced this is the right move, if I didn't wait too long. Here's hoping (and praying) I didn't. I was dreaming all Friday night about Guatemala--I guess it was the kick in the pants I needed to get this stuff done.
Other news--spring break saw me visit the 'rents, paint one of my kitchen walls dandelion yellow, and visit Boston; my student teacher this semester is awesome; my kids (as in students) are doing a really cool project with The Soloist--they raised money for a girl with cancer, read the book, videoconferenced with the author--and we saw the movie today (good); I ordered new glasses, the dark-rimmed, plastic kind, so maybe I'll be brave enough to actually wear glasses again during daylight hours (and drive more safely at night since those four-year old prescriptions will be extinct and I'll be able to read the road signs again).